Sunday, January 07, 2007

What is Project Eklektro?

"Eklektro" turns 10 years old this February, and i'm gonna celebrate it in Thailand! But lately a few new friends wanted to know exactly what it is that i do... or that i'm trying to do. And well wow, its so multi-dimensional, and yet so obvious i'd think (?) hope (?)... at least once you've read through (and visualized) the ecstatic struggle of THIS: (enjoy!)

So i bought my first RV 8 years ago, after having to vacate my awesome Boston studio...
with a solo album of electronica half in the can, and almost ready to perform live... Boston was getting lame, but the warehouse was a sanctuary, and it hurt to leave the place where i was just starting to experience some techno-creative bliss.
But i quickly outfitted the RV with the beginnings of a mobile studio and hit the road west... and I immediately experienced a completely new kinda creative surge.
The surge was amplified further when i stumbled upon Moontribe, and then of course blew my mind when
hit my first Burningman.. with my RV/studio/solar-powered house on wheels... i felt like i stepped into a cyber dream come true.
Or rather ABOUT to come true!
So the next couple years were times of intense brainstorming.
and then i got hooked up to wireless internet... at the beach.. wherever i'd go. for the year 2001, this was amazing.
So 9-11 happened, and strangely 2 weeks later my unique (and ahead of their time) WIFI carrier went bankrupt (!),.... my new inspirational mobile internet life-stream was cut off! so then rather than get depressed about it, i decided to fight back, and so i launched!
and then i bought the 2nd RV, and did Eklektro Karavan.. cross-country, with TechTV following us...
didn't quite pan out, 'cause TechTV had a downsizing, and we lost our producer!!
Then my 2nd RV blew an engine, and as the icing on the cake after 16,000 miles of RV expenses... i was pretty much bankrupt.
Yeah, Eklektro Karavan was self-funded (didn't want any corporate sponsors) and setting out to be a wireless internet radio station (!)
broadcasting live-played electronica, interviews, adventures... emanating from SoCal, but able to go most anywhere.
yep, this was something that for 2002 was still a bit ahead of its time.
the live-played electronica part of it made it quite a challenge.
i learned the hard way... that although i could run a SOLO mobile studio, and live this way just fine on my own;
the variables of all the other characters were too much for me and the RVs to handle at the time.
but i was still trying, despite being dead-broke. Mark Trance took up a residency in my silver RV, and we started to collaborate... but perhaps even this was too much. 'cause then the universe gave me a major path-correction.. a drunk driver came outa nowhere and totalled my tan RV... and sent me to the chiropractor. 3 days after 10 year Moontribe, the whole magic summer was shot...
So i took it as a blessing in disguise, having to build back from bankrupt, i got a modest insurance settlement, and decided to go to Mexico for an undetermined bit of time, with my one solar RV... to sit on a beach and work on the "story" of what i was trying to build. I'd make a DVD and write an accompanying book!
After 2 months i started making great progress (!), and i posted hours of crazy road video to my website along the way. but then i caught adult chickenpox! and thus began an up and down series of whole seasons where i'd have wildly fluctuating energy... and could often barely keep up. i decided that i needed a break from RVs!
I went to Thailand, backpacking... but still with a mini "studio" worth of laptops and hard drives. i found a better balance, and i'd work on writing and editing... and as my health improved.. i started a video blog.
and of course all along the way there were upstarts and collaborations that ALMOST took off.
but i was still living full-time nomadic (which i thought to be quite an accomplishment, but in retrospect proved a bit of a handicap).
In a quest for terra firma, i tried moving my RVs to a warehouse in SanFran... but missed my friends and the LA weather. i came back and lived at the beach again (in winter)... toughing it out...
and then i found the Silverlake Studio.
and the past year has been one of "setting up shop"... starting to look for a crew....
and making some money, so i can afford materials to transform the RVs in time for next summer...
for Perpetual Apollo
for CyberEZRyder

'cause YO! 2007 is off to an amazing start,
and the skies aren't even the limit!

OK, leaving soon for Thailand... stay tuned!